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Unseen Frontlines: The Struggle of Educators in Montes de María

The murder of Luis Alfredo Leones Alvarez in April 2024 was a stark reminder of the dangers faced by educators in regions such Montes de María.

Article written by Andrea Gómez, María Inés Pérez & Jesús Elias Redondo

Violence has deeply marked the history of Colombia and affects not only society but also certain sectors, such as education. Educators (teachers) have been a constant target of threats and attacks, becoming victims of the political and social violence that has affected the country. This text will explore this dynamic by focusing on the context of Los Montes de María, a region that has actively suffered the effects of armed conflict and systematic violence. Through a detailed analysis of the historical context, current cases are examined that illustrate the continued seriousness of the situation of teachers and other educational actors in this sector. In addition, recommendations are provided aimed at mitigating such risks and raising public awareness, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon, using reliable sources to support the investigations. The aim of this study is not only to make the problem visible, but also to contribute to the debate on the protection of educators in Colombia, in a context where education is fundamental to building peace and achieving a sense of a just society. 


Violence in Colombia, especially against educators, is characterized by a complex interaction of political, social and economic factors that have intensified since the 1970s and 1980s. During this period, there was a significant increase in the activities of illegal armed groups in the country, such as the FARC and ELN left-wing guerrillas, as well as the emergence of right-wing paramilitary groups. This context of armed conflict had a devastating impact on many communities, especially in regions such as Montes de María, where violence was systematic and prolonged. According to reports from organizations such as the National Center for Historical Memory, more than 1,200 educators were murdered in Colombia between 1980 and 2018, with a significant increase in the 1990s and early 2000s. 


The Montes de María region was an epicenter of this violence. This region, which straddles departments such as Sucre and Bolívar, saw not only clashes between armed groups, but also forced displacement and human rights violations. In the 1990s, the violence intensified with the rise of paramilitary groups that justified their actions as anti-guerrilla warfare and often directed their anger at community leaders and educators, who were seen as agents of change and therefore threats to the status quo. Between 2002 and 2006, under the presidency of Álvaro Uribe, there were numerous reports of threats and murders against teachers, which led to a significant decrease in the number of educators willing to work in these sectors. This cycle of violence has left a deep mark on the education system, affecting not only the safety of educators but also access to and quality of education in already marginalized communities. While the worst years of the armed conflict are hopefully in the past, violence continues to be a factor in relation to teachers. 


Sadly, teachers continue to face threats in society, particularly those working in rural contexts. Throughout 2024, there were 6 teachers murdered throughout Colombia, with 5 of these cases occurring in the Caribbean region, where Montes de María is found. The main case studied in this investigation was the murder of Luis Alfredo Leones Alvarez. Luis was an outstanding Colombian educator, recognized for his invaluable contribution to the educational community of Bolívar, and he was a teacher of exceptional human qualities. He dedicated a large part of his life to the León XIII Educational Institution in San Jacinto, where he served as rector since 1998, and united two towns by also educating in Las Palmas (Beltrán, 2024). His legacy as an educator, social science graduate, and lawyer, with an emphasis on human rights, transcended the classroom, leaving a profound mark on the lives of his students and colleagues. Sadly, this tireless worker was the victim of an act of violence that shocked the entire Colombian Caribbean region. According to El Heraldo (2024), the teacher was last seen on Thursday, April 18th (2024), and people close to him said that he had gone to take his mother's groceries.  


According to a report from the Gobernación de Bolívar (2024), on April 20th, 2024, his body was found lifeless in his home in the Centro neighborhood of San Jacinto by his relatives. His body showed signs of torture; his hands were tied up, and he had apparently been asphyxiated. Local authorities offered a reward of 30 million pesos to find those responsible for this heinous crime, which is still under investigation. Days later, the authorities managed to find the whereabouts of one of the alleged murderers, Jorge Arnedo (27 years old), who had allegedly stolen items worth more than 70 million pesos, and who had been  recorded on camera, roaming the neighborhood before the crime, and was seen leaving in the early hours of Friday 19th. Arnedo was found hiding in a residential complex in Cartagena, and the Prosecutor's Office charged him with the crimes of homicide and theft, both aggravated, charges that, however, were not accepted by the defendant. Despite this, a judge granted him a security measure and sent him to Ternera Prison. Nevertheless, the case remains unfinished, as the other suspect has not been found. It is unclear whether there was any further motive for this crime other than a violent robbery.

It is worth pointing out that there were certain similarities with the case of two other educators who were killed throughout 2024. In February, school teacher Eliecer Guevara was found in similar circumstances to Luis in the city of Valledupar. Closer to Montes de Maria, school rector and cultural leader Armando Rivero Manjarres disappeared in July before his body was found with signs of extreme violence. In both of these cases, it has been suggested that the principal motive was robbery, and these cases highlights the stark reminder of the violence the state is facing. Educators face the threat of violence not only because of the long-held stigmatization of their professional field, but also due to the atmosphere of insecurity which pervades many urban and rural contexts. The constant threats faced by those who dare to speak out against injustice demonstrates the great power vacuum in many areas, with little government assistance, limited only to the Bolivar department governor's office. While the motives behind crimes against educators may vary, the impact of these crimes is evident, as they remove valuable members of the community and invaluable educators from contexts where there is already a shortage. The deaths of Leones Alvarez and other teachers represent an irreparable loss for education in Colombia and demand an urgent response to combat such violence (Sucesos, 2024). However, violence remains a sad reality not only for teachers, but others who contribute greatly to society. 


As mentioned above, Luis Alfredo Leones Alvarez was not the only professor and social activist in this region murdered. The six cases of murdered educators represent just a fraction of the number of social leaders to have been targeted throughout the year. According to Indepaz (2024), approximately 173 social leaders were murdered in 2024. Considering this, it can be said that the situation of social leaders and human rights defenders (a field that includes educators) in areas such as Montes de Maria is still critical. In 2020, the National Center of Historical Memory made an urgent call to the organized armed groups and the pertinent authorities to take actions regarding the respect of lives and integrity of social leaders in the Montes de Maria subregion of Colombia because of the threats and intimidations bringing harm to human rights defenders (CNMH, 2020). In accordance with La Silla Vacia, the municipalities where the number of threats is higher are El Carmen de Bolivar, San Onofre and Los Palmitos, but it was found that in San Onofre, El Carmen de Bolivar and María la Baja are where the rate of homicides were higher (Olaya, 2021).  This situation is worrying due to the fundamental role teachers and social leaders plays in peacebuilding of Colombia and reflects the necessity to address these topics.   


The assassination of social leaders and teachers like Alfredo has produced widespread consternation among the public and authorities. From the territories, authorities such as governors have condemned the violent acts and expressed their concern.  In 2020, the education unions of the UK and Ireland launched a joint communiqué on the systematic violence experienced by teachers in Colombia, also reflecting their deep concern for the humanitarian crisis in the country and urging the national government to take appropriate measures to ensure peace for all (Justice for Colombia, 2020). Despite the fact that according to the Ombudsman's Office, the number of assassinations of leaders decreased by 16% in 2023, the Ombudsman, Iris Marín Ortiz, has emphasized the challenges linked to human rights defenders (Defensoría del Pueblo, 2024). And there is nothing that reaffirms the Ombudsman's words more than hearing new cases of assassinated leaders. To address this, it is certain that providing solutions to such a complex problem is challenging. However, given that the focus of the text revolves around teachers and their importance in building peace, recommendations will be directed towards this area. Education to mitigate violence and build peace gradually must be a key aspect. This would include more investment in peace education. 


As a way of conclusion, it is possible to say that the Colombian education sector has been deeply impacted by the country's long history of violence. Teachers, especially in conflict-ridden regions like Montes de María, have been frequent targets of threats and attacks. The murder of Luis Alfredo Leones Alvarez, a respected educator, highlights the ongoing dangers faced by those working in education. His death, along with other cases of violence against teachers and social leaders, underscores the urgent need to address the root causes of violence and ensure the protection of educators. This is crucial for building a peaceful and just society, where education can thrive and contribute to positive social change. 




Bolívar, C. y. P. (2024, 25 abril). “Crimen de Luis Alfredo Leones no quedará impune”: Yamil Arana. Gobernación de Bolívar. 

Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica. (2020, 2 julio). Llamado urgente del Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica sobre las amenazas a líderes sociales de los Montes de María. 

De Derechos Humanos y Conflictividades de Indepaz, O. (2024, 15 octubre). LÍDERES SOCIALES, DEFENSORES DE DD.HH y FIRMANTES DE ACUERDO ASESINADOS EN 2024 – Indepaz. 

Defensoría del Pueblo - Colombia. (2024, 31 octubre). Defensoría del Pueblo de Colombia lidera creación del Grupo de Trabajo para las Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Liderazgo Social en Iberoamérica. 

ElheraldoCo, R. (2024, 15 septiembre). Rector de colegio de San Jacinto fue hallado muerto con signos de violencia. ELHERALDO.CO. 

Justice for Colombia. (2020, 26 mayo). British and Irish education unions denounce violence against Colombian teachers - justice for colombia. 

Olaya, R. O. (2023, 20 septiembre). Violencia contra líderes y lideresas sociales en Los Montes de María en los últimos 11 años. La Silla Vacía. 

Sucesos, R. (2024, 23 mayo). Revelan detalles importantes del homicidio del profesor Luis Leones Álvarez. 



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